Sponsored by:
The National Science Foundation
NCSU Department of Mathematics
Scientific Organizing Committee:
Kailash C. Misra(Chair)
Daniel Nakano
Brian Parshall
Weiqiang Wang
Local Organizing Committee:
Kailash C. Misra (Chair)
Naihuan Jing
Bojko Bakalov
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Principal Speaker:
- Anne Schilling, University of California at Davis (Talk Slides)
Invited Speakers:
- Daniel Orr, Virginia Tech.
- Toshiki Nakashima, Sophia University, Japan
- Masato Okado, Osaka City University, Japan
- Ben Webster, University
of Virginia
- Jerzy Weyman, University of Connecticut
- Peter Tingley, Loyola University, Chicago
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Afternoon Session
- "Algebraic and Combinatorial Representation Theory", organized by Kyu-Hwan Lee, University of Connecticut
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Conference Poster
Conference Photo
Schedule of Talks
Titles & Abstracts
List of Participants |
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Registration |
There is no registration fee. You can register online or at the conference. However, if you are asking for any support from the conference you need to register online.
Please note that registration must be received by August 25, 2015 in order to get full consideration for support. |
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Support |
Modest support from the conference grant may be available to graduate students, postdocs, junior faculty, women, and members of underrepresented minority groups. Graduate students are encouraged to share the hotel room with another participant. We will let you know after August 25 if any partial support will be available from the conference. Please let us know if you need an answer before August 25, 2015. |
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Visa |
If you are not a citizen or green card holder, then you must have an appropriate US Visa in order to receive any support. Our Grant manager Jennifer Williams will send you necessary information. |
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We blocked some rooms in Holiday Inn Express and also in Ramada Inn at a negotiate rate. At Holiday Inn Express the group code is LT1 and group title is "Lie Theory". At Ramada the group code is GC1510LIETHE and group name is "Lie Theory". The room block at Holiday Inn Express is until Sept. 18, 2015 and at Ramada Inn is until Sept. 25, 2015. All participants need to make their own reservation and pay their own bill. In order to get the negotiated rate at these Hotels please reserve your room before the cut off dates.
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Parking |
On Saturday and Sunday, free parking is available anywhere on campus except where reserved. To park on campus on Friday you will need to buy a visitor parking pass. |
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Location |
The Conference will be held in
SAS Hall on NCSU's Main Campus. All lectures will be in SAS 1102 in the ground floor. Please enter the building in the ground floor near the parking lot.
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