Sponsored by:
The National Science Foundation
NCSU Department of Mathematics
NCSU College of Physical and Mathematical
Organized by:
Kailash C. Misra
Daniel Nakano
Brian Parshall
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Principal Speaker:
Invited Speakers include:
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Afternoon Sessions
There will be parallel
afternoon discussion sessions:
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Conference Poster
Schedule of Talks
List of Participants
Photo 1 and Photo 2 |
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Registration |
IRegistration can be submitted online or by printing and sending a form.
Please note that registration must be received by September 8, 2009 in order to be considered for support.
A conference dinner is planned for Saturday, October 10, 2009. Further information will be available at the conference.
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Support |
Modest support from the conference grant may be available to graduate students, junior faculty, women, and members of underrepresented minority groups. If you are interested in support, please indicate on the registration form. Please note that anyone asking to be considered for support will be automatically considered for local expenses (hotel and food) based on the negotiated hotel rate and the NCSU standard rate for meals. Graduate students will be supported based on double occupancy in the hotel. We cannot match roommates, but we have set up a Facebook group, SE Lie - NCSU, where students can find roommates attending the workshop.
For consideration of support, graduate students are required to send a letter of recommendation from their respective advisors by email to misra@ncsu.edu by September 8, 2009.
Visa |
If you are not a citizen or green card holder, then you must have an appropriate US Visa (F1, J1, or B1) in order to receive any support. If you need an invitation letter for your Visa, please indicate on the registration form. |
Participants can stay at the Holiday Inn Brownstone,
located adjacent to campus. A block of rooms has been reserved under the group name "Lie Theory" at a rate of $72+tax per night per room. In order to get this rate, you must reserve by September 17, 2009. You are requested to make your own reservation by calling the hotel at 919-828-0811 or 800-HOLIDAY (465-4329). However, if you need assistance, contact us.
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Parking |
On Friday, October 9, free parking is available on the upper portion of the Cates Avenue (Coliseum) Deck, which is building #99 on the campus map. You will not need a special pass because it will be NCSU's fall break. Please do not park in the lot next to SAS Hall on Friday, as you may be ticketed and/or towed.
On Saturday and Sunday, free parking is available anywhere on campus except where reserved. We suggest you park in the lot next to SAS Hall on Saturday and Sunday only. |
Location |
The Conference will be held in the newly constructed
SAS Hall on NCSU's Campus. |